When should you consult a vet?

Knowing when to consult a veterinarian can be challenging, as some signs are obvious (e.g., open wounds, poisoning), while others are more subtle. However, any concerning symptoms deserve attention from a veterinary professional. Pay attention to your pet’s behaviour, appetite, and overall well-being. Here are six signs that shouldn’t be ignored.

1) A decrease in appetite

The famous phrase “When the appetite is good, everything is good” takes on its full meaning here. An animal that eats much less than usual or that no longer eats requires a consultation with the veterinarian.

2) An increase or decrease in water consumption

Drinking more or much less than usual is a warning sign of several ailments. It is therefore best to take your companion to the vet if you notice a change in their drinking habits.

3) Changes in urination

Is your companion urinating more or less? Does the urine have an unusual color? Is your pet urinating more often than usual? Does he have difficulty urinating or does he vocalize when he defecates? A change in your pet's urination may indicate that something is wrong. A visit to the veterinary clinic is essential to be sure.

4) Signs of pain

If your faithful companion shows signs of pain (decreased activity and drive, difficulty walking or standing, excessive licking of certain areas, etc.), consult your veterinarian to find the origin of the pain.

5) The appearance of a bump

Whether or not it seems painful to your pet, a lump that appears deserves to be examined by a veterinarian.

6) A change in behaviour

Your pet's behaviour can indicate how he or she is feeling. If your pet hides, sleeps more, becomes aggressive, or you notice any other changes, talk to a veterinarian.

Of course, there are other signs that can indicate health problems in your pet. If in doubt, never hesitate to call our team. Although we cannot do a full consultation over the phone, a member of our team will be able to advise you and tell you whether your pet needs to be seen urgently or not.