1. Make dog training a pleasant experience for both you and your dog. Training in short periods of 10 minutes three times a day is better than a single 30-minute period. Your dog will stay more focused during these short periods, and you'll increase your success rate.
2. The basic commands essential for any good companion are: come, sit, down, stay and heel. We advise you to learn these commands in this order, as they follow an increasing degree of difficulty. Be patient in your demands: a 2-month-old puppy won't heel after a week, but he can sit very well after 2 or 3 days' practice. If your dog fails one or more commands, it's because he hasn't assimilated them properly. There's no point in trying too hard: go back to a lower level and finish the training session with a command that may be easier, but is still successful. Many interferences can influence your learning practice, such as outside noise and activity, your puppy's fatigue as well as yours, the environment (ground surface) and even the temperature. Listen to your dog and try to identify the various possible obstacles.
3. Use simple words to define your commands. Allow your dog time to execute after each command. Research has shown that for a young dog, a duration of 7 to 8 seconds is necessary for the understanding, assimilation and execution of a command. Be brief and precise in your commands, get your dog's attention by saying his name and when he looks at you say the command in a neutral and slightly authoritative tone. We say slightly authoritarian; there is no point in shouting or raising your voice if the dog does not follow your commands. The only result you will get is fear from your dog, and that is definitely not the best way to have a good relationship with your dog. The success of good learning is that it is done in a good atmosphere, with confidence and with pleasure.
4. Use one word per command. There is no need to babble with your dog because you will only get confusion. Say his name once to get his attention and then the command. Give him a few seconds to perform the requested action then repeat the command if the dog has not understood. You can repeat the command 2 to 3 times but no more because if the dog does not perform the action after 2 to 3 repetitions, it is because he has not assimilated the learning. It is better to go back to the previous level. We also advise you to help your dog perform the action during your third repetition (e.g. lightly press on his buttocks to insist on sitting down).
5. For any successful command, the dog should be rewarded within a second. Positive reinforcement is the most effective and enjoyable way to learn, but above all it guarantees your dog's attention and stimulates his willingness to learn. As positive reinforcement, we recommend: certain treats (dried liver, cheese or even a biscuit or a kibble of food), his favourite toy, caresses and even a sweet word. You don't need to give him a whole biscuit for each command, even an eighth of this biscuit is enough (same goes for cheese), and even licking a small piece is already something wonderful for your dog. Some will say that by rewarding your dog, he will only obey you for the sake of gain. Be honest! Would you work for someone you have just met without having something in return, even if it was praise and merit? Don't worry, once the relationship between you and your dog is established, he will be happy to obey you for the sole purpose of pleasing you.
6. Use your puppy's name only to get his attention, to get him to do a command, or to avoid an incident. Otherwise, if you use his name all the time, like when you talk about him in conversation with someone, you will notice that at first he will come to you or look at you every time you say his name, but then he will quickly get tired of this little game. You risk damaging the fragile association of his name versus the attention he gives you and thus ruining the wonderful work already accomplished.
7. When bad behaviour occurs, punishment is not the right way to get your dog back on track. It will only damage the trust you are trying to build with your dog. The opposite of a reward is "no reward" and not a correction. The best way to show your dog that you are unhappy is to completely ignore him for a few minutes. You will see that he will quickly understand that something is not to your liking. On the other hand, when you are present during bad behaviour, the most appropriate solution is to attract your puppy's attention to a more appropriate behaviour. For example: if puppy is nibbling on the legs of your chair, it is better to make a noise to attract his attention (clap your hands), then offer him a toy to relieve his need to nibble. At the same time, you are responding to his needs and teaching him the appropriate behaviours. It may take a few repetitions to convince your dog that his toy is better than the chair leg, but if you take the time to perform this little trick well, you will see good results.
These few basic principles can be applied to all stages of your dog's education. Whether they are used for house training a young puppy, the training itself or for finishing details such as agility, it is important to keep in mind that any bad behaviour takes as long to disappear as it took to appear. So, be patient.
If, despite all your efforts, your dog is giving you difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.