Symptoms of Bird Disease

Detecting abnormal symptoms in your bird is one of the most important things a bird owner can learn to do to avoid serious problems. This is a concrete summary of the points you should examine daily in your favorite bird. Birds are masters at hiding their signs of illness for as long as possible. It is a matter of survival for them in the wild. This means that when you see a very obvious symptom, your bird may have been sick for a long time. Hence the importance of being constantly attentive.

Change in attitude or behavior – look for any abnormal signs: a bird that becomes listless, sleeps more than usual, talks or sings less, neglects its plumage, appears puffed up or ruffled, has half-closed eyes, seeks warmth, constantly buries its head in its feathers, or is normally calm but becomes nervous or grumpy. All of these signs can indicate that something is wrong.

Change in appetite and water intake – a bird’s appetite is often one of the first things to be affected by illness or discomfort. Typically, the bird will eat and drink less than normal. Therefore, weight is an important indicator of the bird's health. We recommend weighing your bird once a week using a scale designated for this purpose.

Abnormal stools (droppings) – understanding bird droppings is key. A bird's stool consists of three parts: the first is urine, which is liquid and ranges from transparent to pale yellow. Next, there are urates, the solid part of the urine, which is usually pasty and appears cream to white in color. Finally, the feces should be quite solid and range from brown to green. In short, any change in the appearance, consistency, color, or quantity of the stool is abnormal.

Breathing – if you hear your bird breathing with difficulty, with an open beak, or making unusual breathing noises such as sneezing, coughing, or clicking, it is a cause for concern. Additionally, the tail should not move when breathing; if you observe this symptom, it indicates an anomaly. A change in voice, as well as discharge from the nostrils or eyes, are also signs to watch for. If the bird is reluctant to fly or shows an intolerance to exercise, this is also not normal.

Lesions or lumps – any sore, bleeding, discoloration, or lump on the face, beak, legs, wings, chest, or abdomen should not be ignored.

Additional symptoms – the following signs should also be considered: weight loss, repeated vomiting/regurgitation, lameness or paralysis of a wing or leg, possible poisoning, excessive growth of the beak or claws, dull or patchy plumage, several broken feathers, an abnormally long or difficult moult, loss of balance, tremors.

In summary, the goal of all this information is not to cause worry, but to help you become more observant. Any of these signs could indicate an issue and should typically prompt a veterinary examination. A physical exam at the time of purchase, conducted by an AnimaPlus veterinarian, followed by an annual check-up, is an excellent way to prevent problems. During these visits, you can discuss the points mentioned with our veterinarians.

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